
56 the 2021 Faculty of Arts Festival FESTA-01 Artwork AI Gaudi Sustainable Architecture Department of Interact ive Media KUHARA Yasuo KUHARA Yasuo, born in Tokyo, Japan. He is a chief professor at the department of Interactive media of Tokyo Polytechnic University. He received a PhD in bioinformatics and BE in astronautics from the University of Tokyo. His research interests focus on the fusion of art, science, and life including Generative and Interactive art. His current research project is connected with Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Life. Sagrada Famí l ia, designed by Antoni Gaudí , is representat ive of Catalonian modernist archi tecture, and is st i l l an ongoing project, nearly 140 years after construct ion began in 1882. The Façana del Naixement was original ly intended to be colored, but i t has not been completed after Gaudí ’s death, and the pattern and design of the coloring is unknown. This work proposes a new possibi l i ty to resolving this issue using AI. When coloring complex forms, Gaudí often used a method cal led trencadis – breaking ceramic into smal l pieces and putt ing them together in a kind of mosaic. The AI used for this piece is cal led “Langton’s Ant” and is a kind of cel lular automaton, constructed by a discrete model that simulates an ant moving in grid- l ike cel ls according to local rules. The AI creates examples of mosaics in cel ls, using the 7 colors, or 6 tones, of Gaudí ’s coloring style, and the work displays rich decorat ion l ike a complex phenomenon of l i fe. It is sustainably recoloring the construct ion as though i t were an archi tect producing through trial and error.