
60 The Shape of Buddy – 3D Esquisse by 3D printing Department of Design NAGAI Takaya Born in Tokyo in 1963. Graduated from Musashino Art University in 1986. Since 1994, he has been teaching at the Faculty of Design, Tokyo Polytechnic University. In his class, he has developed many industry-academia joint projects. He works on tableware, lighting fixtures, furniture, displays and more, and is currently a consultant for a knife maker. In the f ield of product design 3D printers are mainly used for models, and for the examinat ion of exterior appearance and funct ion. However, today there are many devices at lower prices, including software, and in personal use there are potent ial ly new approaches using i t as a ‘ tool of inspirat ion’ . Wi th this expectat ion, we encourage i t to be introduced in our instruct ion. Ul t imately, we hope that i t wi l l become ‘3D Esquiesse’ , or a subst i tute for penci l and paper, but there is the issue that 3DP product ion creates not only the printed i tem but also materials to be discarded such as support material . Fused Deposi t ion Model ing (FDM) 3DP uses a carbon neutral and biodegradable biomass plast ic originat ing from grains cal led Poly-Lact ic Acid (PLA) . 3D print ing is a tool that has become increasingly ‘usable’ , but from the perspect ive of waste the considerat ion of the environmental impact of the material is extremely important. Wi th that in mind, this work consists of side products developed as test pieces created for 3DP lessons wi th the theme of ‘pouring’ . A honey pi tcher was designed for a sample and, as a l ink to digi tal fabricat ion, packaging was produced by laser craft. (upper) ZSrushCore wireframe (lower) Fusion360 rendering the 2021 Faculty of Arts Festival FESTA-03 Artwork