
96 Department of Imaging Art?Department of Design (Producer)UCHIYAMA Yusuke (Collaborator)TANABE Junko LEE Yonguk NATE Hisaki This project was an activity that attempted to utilize AR*, a new technique in media art expression education, and examine its possibilities in the form of a workshop. The Department of Design and Department of Imaging Art of Tokyo Polytechnic University collaborated to hold three workshops aimed at third year students, creating AR works with Aero, an Adobe application. The significance of this project is that it is a prototype for future workshops, to be held a few times as in this project, in order to disseminate a variety of knowledge as an approach to dealing with cross-disciplinary technologies and themes. The potential of uti l izing AR technology in media art expression – workshop *AR (Augmented Reality): the computer technology to broaden the real environment that humans perceive, and the computer-adjusted environment itself. the 2021 Faculty of Arts Festival FESTA-21 Artwork Participating faculty members: LEE Yonguk (Department of Imaging Art) UCHIYAMA Yusuke (Department of Design) NATE Hisaki (Department of Imaging Art) TANABE Junko (Department of Design)